Ralph Lauren polo

The shop is patterned after the new Ralph Lauren polo flagship at Luxury Village in Moscow. It incorporates white lacquer, stained cherry with burnished woven leather panel inserts, ebonized mahogany and brushed stainless steel trim. The floors are a distressed French limestone laid in a random pattern, and the ceiling consists of white and teak floating planes. Recessed lighting is used throughout and black projector lights highlight specific visual elements.
“We really tried to do something unique,” said Joy Herfel, president of Polo Menswear. “We gave a lot of consideration to the retail environment and how to best showcase the Ralph Lauren brand in their store.”

The shop is segmented between a more casual sportswear offering with iconic Polo items and luxury sportswear and clothing rooms. Like Gould, Herfel pointed to the “complement of accessories,” calling it “impactful. We’ve never been that aggressive with this merchandise at Bloomingdale’s before.”